Welcome to My Web Site

Carol P. Murdock

Nature & Outdoor Photos


I have been an avid backpacker and hiker in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California for over 40 years and began photographing on my trips.  After retiring, photography classes at Grossmont College in El Cajon helped me expand my photography to include RV trips throughout the western U.S., Canada and Alaska.  Since then, my photos and articles have been published in RV Journal, MotorHome and Trailer Life Magazine, Country Discoveries and the annual The Milepost - the driving guide to Alaska.  Currently, I belong to a photo club called Poly Photo Camera Club which has monthly competitions & take frequent trips to Arizona. This is a good learning experience.

Continually being asked:  "Do you have a website?", I decided to start with this one.  It will be updated periodically, so check the site from time to time. 

Sincerely, Carol



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